Helping you grow your crops and business.


For over fifty years, Watts Solitary Bees has been providing farmers with high-quality leafcutter and mason bees while providing expert service to our customers.  Our bees are hardy and hard working pollinators who can help you maximize your harvest in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way. 


our services

Started as a part time job over 50 years ago for school teacher Roger Watts, Watts Solitary Bees has become the largest distributor of solitary bees for farmers and wholesalers

Services we offer →

Our Bees

Increase your crop yield with solitary bees. The mason bee is a very productive pollinator for spring fruits and the leafcutter bee has become instrumental in the success of alfalfa farms. 

Learn more about our bees →

During the fall, mason bee cocoons should be cleaned to control pest populations and provide clean nesting material for the following season. Watts Solitary Bees and Rent Mason Bees use a machine to extract cocoons from wood laminate nesting blocks.

We Buy Bees

Contact us at if you have mason and/or leafcutter bees for sale